Spherical Yellow and the Music City Invitational

Spherical Yellow is proud to be involved in the Music City Tennis Invitational. 

The Annual Music City Tennis Invitational (MCTI) is the longest-running music-related charity tennis tournament in the USA. Players of all levels are welcome and proceeds from the tournament benefit the Center for Child Development at Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt.

Spherical Yellow's Founder and all around woman in charge Margot Carter will be playing in the Friday Night Pro - Am event this Friday the 17th April. Also, up for grabs in the charity auction is a package of 4 private lessons with Margot, redeemable this summer.

Read more about this phenomenal event at www.musiccitytennis.com

Posted on April 14, 2015 .

Beat this ice!

While the weather is truly being rotten to those of us that don't have access to indoor Tennis courts, there are still a few ways to brighten up your day. Personally, I am a big fan of the tropical smoothie, nothing like the flavours of Banana, Pineapple and Coconut to pretend that it's not sub zero outside! 

Banana, Pineapple, Coconut delight!

Banana, Pineapple, Coconut delight!

While your blender is whipping up some delight for you, why not do a quick core workout?

- Plank (I do 2 minutes 30 but 20-30 seconds is a good starting amount).

- Leg raises in all directions (Face down, both side, and lying down both legs together I do 60 of each but you can start with 15).

-Twisty abs with a kettle bell (I like to to sets of 30 but again, 10-15 is a good starting place). 

and Tah Dah! If your abs are not sore tomorrow, do more sets next time 😉 

Posted on February 22, 2015 .